California Nursery Historical Park
California Nursery Office Museum
now open
Volunteer Opportunites (Sat/Sun) HOOT OWL TOURS
(by appointment)
The Math Science Nucleus, a non profit organization ,and
the Roeding Family in conjunction with the City of Fremont
is preserving historic artifacts and documents of the California
Nursery Company. The Math Science Nucleus is archiving
material as well as operating the California Nursery Office
Museum. Programs for scouts; field trips for school
groups; and general tours and lectures for the public are
also provided.
We now have thousands of documents and tens of thousads of
photograph and film available. We are now finalizing our
system so we can share this information to researchers. If
you are interested in the Roeding Collections please email us at
There is still alot of work about the history of this amazing
family, nursery, and their contribution to horticulture.
If interested in looking at some of catalogs please go to
Historical photos, letters, journals, artifacts, and
videos have been uncovered that will bring this history back to
life. California Nursery Company Legacy Council is sharing
their materials to create a history on the web that educate and inspire
children and adults alike.
You will learn about
Jose de Jesus Vallejo, Jonas Clark, John Rock, William Landers, Luther Burbank,
Johannes and Federick Reimers, and the famous Roeding Family that
influenced the history of agriculture in this state. This is a
history that has been hidden, but will soon become available to the
general public. This website will help share the history as we
verify and post the information.
To get updates please
put in your email below, you can control when you want to get off.
We do not share your emails.
(if you have a group and want to schedule a program, please
contact us)
36501 Niles Blvd, Fremont
(entrance Nursery Ave and Niles Blvd)
Museum temporarily closed to public for archiving
Want to help?

powerpoint presentation on history
Vision (ppt) |
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