Hoot Owl Night Hikes
California Nursery Historical Park
California Nursery Historical Park has many old trees that are ideal for Owls and other Raptors to roost, nest and hunt from in search of food. Bring your flashlight and  walk through the grounds at dusk,  this is a good time to spot an owl in the trees or hunting for prey.

Meet at the Vallejo Adobe for an introduction to owls and then walk at the sun goes down you will look and listen for the raptors that hunt at night.  Discover owl pellets and the bones of what the owls ate at the Vallejo Adobe. Other family members (adults and kids) are invited to register.  Other night birds will also be seen in this forest in a park. 

Tours are 1.5 hours long. 
 Meet at Vallejo Adobe.  Start of tours depending on dusk and time of year.  Winter is early while Summer is late.  We will confirm time when you book a tour.

 Please notice the start time (which varies because of dusk). Extra people can be added on day with cash or check

click here to register and to find start times
Hoot Owl Night Hike Test
spring, 2025

official Boy Scout Site, Girl Scout Night Hike or any other group

30 PERSON MINIMUM or $240.00
50 PERSON MAXIMUM  ($400.00)
$8.00 per person

available dates
Fridays and Sat
April 4,5, 11,12
May2,3 (


California Nursery Historical Park

questions? phone or email
sponsored by Math Science Nucleus
http://msnucleus.org       msn@msnucleus.org

Leader: If you want to schedule a class for your pack we have a 30 person minimum.

Price: $8 person. Small flashlights are acceptable (red fliters reommended). Families welcomed. Not recommended for children under 5 because of walking at night. Troops should reserve via phone or email but can add people on the day of the hike.

Payment: You need to pay prior to the tour. You will get a receipt, but the troop should pay for everyone. Remember, minimum is 30 people or $240. Maximum number of people is 50. Pleasemeet at the vallejo Adobe.

Refunds: If you need to cancel the Hoot Owl and within 2 weeks, we can either refund your money with $15 fee or you can transfer funds to another date at no extra charge. No refunds within 2 weeks only transfer. Please email hagos@msnucleus.org and the instructor (Dr. Anderson), kanderson@msnucleus.org.
Start: Vallejo Adobe (Free Parking)

Note: There are two parking lots, recommend going to one off of Nursery Ave.  A great family event.  Recommended for elementary grades. You cannot leave and come back. Wear sturdy shoes, dress warmly, and be prepared to hike or sit quietly for a time.

Math/Science Nucleus
 4074 Eggers Drive, Fremont, California, U.S.A., 94536
 (510) 790-6284

Hike Statistic for Scout participants

Distance: 1 to 1 1/2 miles round trip
: Allow about 11/2 -2 hours for program and hike
Suggested Age
: Tiger Cubs, Wolves, and Bears (siblings and family members welcome) non scouts are welcomed

For map:  http://msnucleus.org/calnursery/location.html  Parking is at the end of Nursery Avenue to the left.  Hike begins with a program in the historic Vallejo Adobe located next to the parking lot.


Historical and Natural Features

California Nursery Historical Park is a 20 acre park which is a remnant of the world famous California Nursery that was one of the most important nurseries in the western United States.  The Park is home is hundreds of unique species of trees from all over the world.  The park provides a home for owls and other raptors as well as many small mammals.  The program will include a presentation on owls and a chance to examine owls pellets and various “stop and learn” stations along the hike.  

The California Nursery began in 1884  the Fremont location in 1880 and the nursery grounds originally covered 463 acres with 60 acres of research gardens where they tried out new varieties of plants.  The City of Fremont acquired the 20 acre remnant of the original nursery in 1970.  This property includes many important historic buildings including the Vallejo Adobe from the 1830s, and various nursery buildings from the 1880s to the 1910s.  Trees from all over the world were imported to the nursery and dozens of Fremont Landmark trees are still intact and available to observe on the California Nursery Historical Park grounds.  Due to the large number of older trees the Nursery has a large population of owls and other raptors that call it home.  The hike will begin in the Vallejo Adobe and the hike will include some historic background to the region as well as fun learning and experiencing twilight and early evening animals.


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