The Math Science Nucleus is proud to announce the winners of the
Dana Raimondi Math Program Essay Contest on “Why Math is Important.”
Competing in 2019 were 300 students from Brier, Blacow,
Durham, Grimmer, Oliveria, and Vallejo Mills, all from Fremont Unified
School District. Dr. Karen Anderson,
Dana Raimondi and Mrs. Milagro Orantes presented the certificates
and prizes.
Above are the winners both First Place and Honorable Mention of the
2018 Dana Raimondi Math Essay Contest. Dana Raimondi is
center. Below are the First Place winning essays for each of the
principal: Mr. Jose Hernandez
Teacher: Janet Calderaro
First: Halley Buenrostro; HM:
Peter Craig Teacher:
Milagro Orantes
Natalia Campos HM Juan Ceja
Halley Buenrostro
Ms. Calderaro
Math is very important to science. We use it in
physical science. We use it to calculate measurements of objects and
their characteristics! As well as to show the relationship between
different functions and properties. Arithmetic, algebra and advanced
mathematics could be used for complex relationships between
properties. I learned a lot of things by Dr. Anderson. She thought
me about faces, edges and vertexes for shapes. She thought us how to
identify artifacts/ fossils and how to graph them! She has inspired
me to learn more about these things and to excel in math and achieve
my goal. I enjoyed learning with her.
Natalia Compos
Ms. Orantes
You won’t
believe how important math to science after this! Science is a
subject that needs math to function. Don’t you ever ask yourself,
how is math important to science? Well, I have an answer to your
question. Of course math is important to science! After all, how do
you think medicines are made by that I mean how much of the medicine
drugs are added into the prescription. I order to that your need to
measure how much of the drug to put, of course you need math in
order to measure that. Now that is just one example. Today, you will
learning about the many ways math is important to science.
Math is useful tool to simplify science b
quantifying of phenomena. In fact, science without mathematics
cannot go no further than a humorous oxymoron. You just cannot do
physics and chemistry without calculus and statistics, biology
without statistics and electrons without complex numbers. In fact,
many more things than you can think of is math related to it. For
instance, if you are an astronaut and you want to get to the moon,
well you sure are not just going to go in the middle of nowhere by
that I mean, land just anywhere. You need to know how far it is to
get to the moon, in order to do that you need math. Angles? Yes, of
course how could we forget those angles are science but cannot be
identified on what they are without math.
Now there are still many ways that math is related
to science, but I will only list a few more. The temperature
definitely is another very important thing to science that is math
related. Without the temperature, we would not know the weather but
in order to know what the weather is going to be like you need
numbers which is math. As well for estimating, if you are a
paleontologist, the study of fossils, sometimes you come across a
fossil and have to estimate its size, as estimation is math. Last,
but not least are proportions of liquids, if you are doing a science
project or chemistry you will come across maxing liquids together
know of course you need to know how much of each liquid you are
going to put in each mixture, you obviously not going to mix things
out of the blue. In order to do that as well you need math.
In conclusion, I learned a lot more than what I
knew about how math is used in science. Now it is your turn to tell
me, how do you think math is important to science?
Lilia Ten
(Vallejo Mill) |
Mei Lum
(Vallejo Mill) |
Rahi Vinod
(Grimmer) |
principal: Mrs. Julie Williams
Karen Narveson
First: Praghna Palaparthy;
HM: Mridul Gupta
First: Bhajleen Kaur HM:
Mehak Maan
First: Diego Gurrola Lopez; HM:
Zina Daliri
Praghna Palaparthy
Ms. Narveson
Math and science are very two different subjects,
right? For example to calculate how the speed, the distance or so on
is you need math. You even need math for measuring something or to
know how much of something you need. Did you hear about H2O
(water). It is made with two H (hydrogen molecules) and one O
(oxygen molecule) and add them together, you get H2O,
that is a math equation related to science. Most of the scientists
were mathematicians too! An example is Galileo Galilei, he had to
use math to know how fast gravity pulls. He had to calculate how the
earth tilts or that the earth is rotating around the sun. Math is
very important to science because of many ways and important to all
kinds of sciences. So we know that to learn science you need math
Bhajleen Kaur
Ms. Narveson
Math is used in many ways in science. Astronomers
use math to calculate distance of stars and scientists figure out
formulas by using math. Why is math so important in science? Science
uses numbers every day. For me without math I think there would be
no science. For example, if you are making an antidote you need to
put the exact measurement to get it just right. If more is poured
then instead of making an antidote, you could have made a poison. If
math didn’t use math most of the things we own today would not have
existed. Math also saves our lives in a way in science. Math and
science detect hurricanes, sunamies, earthquakes, volcano eruptions,
etc. So math is very important to science in many ways at the point
that it can save our lives.
Diego Gurrola Lopez
Ms. Narveson
Many of the overlooked aspects of math is the
data. Data is super important for the world, data proves to the
world that yes fetris helps the brain and n fortinite is good (I
hate that game!). Without formulas we would never calculate speeds,
the area of circle, or the speed of light. Look in a science
article, it is hard not to see at least one number. It is like the
CPU of a laptop. You need t or else it is wrong and won’t work. It
is very good for experiment, too! Ratios can be used to find exact
amounts of substance. Overall math is a puzzle in the concept of
principal: Mrs. Thersa Bonnacorsi
Teacher: Joyce Teague
Palakbir Hundal ; HM:
Chenyimeng Zhang Teacher: Pamela Petrini
Skylar Ruby, HM:
Naga Nimma
Palakbir Hundal
Ms. Teague
Math is
important to science
Math and science are two very important branches
and they go hand in hand. Science almost revolves around math using
equations, formulas, numbers and calculations. Without math science
would not even exist! Also, we would be able wearing swimsuits in
snow because scientists would not be able to calculate the weather.
Our architecture would not be very strong either. We would not know
the maximum amount of people a building could hold and if the
building was very tall, scientists would not be able to work around
major problems like earthquakes.
Neither math nor science can really exist without
each other. If someone took equations or formulas out of science,
amazing scientists like Albert Einstein would not be able to express
their ideas. In conclusion, without math science would crumble in to
Skylar Ruby
Mrs. Petrini
Math is
very crucial to science. Math can be used to form concepts or find
calculations or even group/ organize data used in science. Think
about it, science is happening night before our eyes, every day. We
use math every day, right? For example, take speed. Math was used to
create the concept of speed, speed can lead to movement, which we do
every day. To calculate speed, you can either use formula: distance
= speed * time or speed = distance / time. That is math. Another
example is when we made triangles from lengthy sticks. That is
geometry! We were using the triangle enquality property which is
when you add up two sides of the triangle (a + b) and is always
greater than (c), the last side measure. (a + b > c). That is also
math. Another example we did together was the seashell lab. We
counted each seashell and organized each shell by type. We filled in
information about each shell, and saw what percent of the shells
were classified to be out of 100. We made each percent a decimal,
fraction and added all the percent to show the total. This is
definitely math by organizing concepts. My last example of math in
science is when we partitioned the archeology site in to four
quadrants. We organized data and measured each bone in inches. As
tou can see, all these different sciences include math in some way,
size, shape or form. Math is used in almost every science whether it
has to do with concepts and formulas to evaluate, or organize data.
Math and science are commonly used together. After all, STEM =
science, technology, engineering and ……. Math! Everything you see
can be broken down into shapes, which is also math. As you can see
this is how math is very important to science.
principal: Ms. Judy Nye
Teacher: Teresa Silva
First: Karina Ramirez; HM
Jasmine Yolangco Teacher:
Rina Ortega First: Hope Ott, HM:
Mia Fiorelli
Karina Ramirez
Ms. Silva
Math is important to Science in many ways. Math
helps Scientists calculate things and measure things when they are
doing an experiment. They also use math to record their evidence and
data. Scientists and people use Math in Chemistry, Physics and
Many people use math in Astronomy. They use the
math to calculate the distance of planets. They also use math when
they are looking at objects in the sky. They use numbers to count
the electrons of the objects and the size. Scientists also use math
to count light years. Also they use math to measure the sizes of
planets and use it to collect their evidence.
Math is also used in Chemistry. The math helps
people make equations. Math also helps people analyze things and
make theories about them. They also use the math when they are
measuring items or when they count many atoms or cells are inside
something. Math is also useful when they are adding compounds
together helps them keep track.
Math is also very useful in Physics. Math helps
the people figure out the time while doing Physics. When they are
studying force and energy math helps them with their job. Also with
motion. Scientists say without math, Physics would be more
As you can see, math is useful in many ways. Math
is used in Chemistry, Physics and more.
Hope Ott
Ms. Ortega
Math and Science are both very important parts of
our life. Both math and Science are linked and depend on each other.
Math is important to Science because it is basically a language of
numbers that can help us keep track of items or height, when tyring
to conduct experiments. It can also help us calculate better to
understand things better.
Math is useful as a language to keep track of
things and be able to calculate to comprehend Science better. An
example of using math to keep track of things could be in the
morning when you check the weather it shows the temperature in
numbers. An example of using math to calculate scientific research
when scientists measure wind speed by using division and much more.
Because math and science are so important in our
lives, it is important to know how they are connected. Being able to
keep track of things better and being able to calculate scientific
research are benefits of math to science. They depend on each other
and help make the world what it is.
Oliveria Elementary
principal: Mrs. Linda Anderson
Heather Tilghman
First: Rehan Anosh HM: Viveka Sankaranarayanan
Shantelle Johnson Steele
Sophia Perry, HM Angad Gill
Teacher: Jason Hahn
Rachelle Jimenez HM: Aadam Tayeb Teacher:
Michelle Lemaster
First: Kyli Agno HM: Kiesha White
Rachelle Jimenez
Mr. Hahn
Why is math important to Science, you might ask?
Math is important to Science because you could record data. This is
important because without being able to record data you would not
know how long or the temperature or whatever. Another reason why
math is important to Science is that you could find the mass or
matter or the object. Without knowing how to find the matter you
won’t be able to do experiment like how much water rises with a tiny
rubber ball. The last why math is important with Science is because
of all of the charts. The charts help us to record data and analyze
what was happening. In conclusion, there are many reasons why math
is important to Science.
Kylie Agno
Mrs. Lemaster
Math is important to Science for many reasons. For
instance, it helps collect data or information for experiments.
Determine the age of many different types. And so on. We can use
math for Science on measurements, including testing. Math is
important for many things, including Science. Helps with hypothesis
and calculations. And Science is to understand more about the real
world. Nature, space, oceans, our states/ countries, etc. Without
math, we can’t figure out how much items in a bag costs. Without
Science, we can’t figure out new discoveries. That is why math and
Science really make a good combination. It helps for many good
Rehan Anosh
Ms. Tilghman
Math is important to Science because it keeps
track of the growing population of animals, mammals, fish and bugs.
It also helps us in one of our most ambitious science, rocket
science. Even though you may think that math is not needed it is a
large part of rocket science. Another science that needs math is
wavelength. Wavelength measures how long, wide and tall it is.
Without it, we would not know what the ozone layer protects us from.
Without it, we even would not go to the moon, or mars, and Venus.
Without math, we could not discover planets we even could not see.
Math like controls us back in the day, you would not need math at
all, people eyeballed what they needed. In our world math helped us
to evolve to the humans we are today.
Vallejo Mill Elementary
Cuebas Carrero
Julie Chen First:
Rahi Vinod, HM: Zayan Ahmed
Nancy Finney First:
Jordon Brown; HM Kaitlyn Lafrentz Teacher: Ana
Hoppenbrouwers First:
Lilia Ten Bosch HM:
Sarah Tran
Jordan Brown
Vallejo Mill
Ms. Finney
Science or Math?
Have you ever wondered how humans evolved so much?
Well, the answer is math! Math is in everything, not just a
textbook. Look around, money, chemistry, physics, do you see
numbers, measurements, or data analysis? All those things use math
to help us utilize and understand them. The following shows examples
at how we use math in the real world of science.
Math is the way almost everyone has fun. Do you
play sports? Well, to make the ball, engineers use measurements and
machines to mold the ball into that perfect shape. Do you live in a
house of apartment? To make those buildings, they use something
called architecture to design floor plans and walls. After the
designs are made in the construction phase, they have to make sure
that every piece is even so that nothing collapses. This is possible
through measurement and geometry. While we are on the subject of
houses, think of electricity, if electricians don’t use correct
calculations we may leave
room for electricity to escape or not
fully change our technology. Scientists do studies and track data
using statistics like mean, median, mode and range. They analyze the
data to find answers to their hypothesis and predict outcomes.
The biggest connection between math and science is
coding in my opinion. Do you play video games? How do you think
these are created? The answer is math. Coding is what we use for all
and any tech, without it you couldn’t have Youtube, Netflix or
cable. Technology is science that almost everyone uses every day,
from iphones to a clock, it is all science obtained through math.
Another example of how math relates to science is that
paleontologists use carbon dating to see how old artifacts are and
determine what civilization that it might have come from. If we can
now when an artifact is from, we can create a timeline to help us
understand the importance to the age it was. Chemistry is another
example of math in Science because without the correct measurements,
the compound created would not have the right outcome. Also without
chemistry, we would not have medicines for many diseases and
sickness, and we would not have chemistry without math. In physics
we use velocity to measure forces such as gravity. We take
measurements of distance and speed to see how different forces here
no earth.
Is math the cornerstone of science? Well, based
off my examples above, I think that I have proven that without math
many scientific methods would not be possible, useful, or helpful.
What do you think?
Rahi Vinod
Vallejo Mill
Ms. Chen
Math is
also Science!
Some people think that math and science are two
separate subjects. That is true, but did you know people use math
for science. Some people think that math is not important to
science, but math is super important to science because we use math
in science for lots of things. We use math for, cooking. When you
are making a cake you need to see how much milk you need, so you use
a measuring cup. You use a measuring cup for everything, for water,
flour, sugar and milk. Another source of math you can find in
science is a thermometer. You use a thermometer for checking some
ones temperature, how high it is outside. We use math for lots of
stuff. This is also math, and we use that for science as well. We
can check time by clocks and watches. We can check how many days it
took for the cherry tree to grow cherries. We use measuring like
measuring how deep swimming pool is, or measuring how many light
years it takes for the earth to orbit. Now, you see that math is
important for science. Math and science are like friends!
Lilia Ten Bosch
Vallejo Mill
Ms. Hoppenbrouwers
Science is
needed in math because we need to measure formulas. For example, how
much venom can kill a human being or monkey. Science would be even
more complicated without math. Human beings would not know what to
do and be very confused. We also need algorithms (equations) for
formulas of chemicals and mysterious liquids or solids discovered.
We would also need math if anyone would leave a chemical to sit and
process or mix. Or of somebody were to let a fruit out for a certain
amount of time to see how much mold would form. After all of my
examples you can see that without math there would be no science.
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