The Math Science Nucleus is proud to announce the winners of the
Dana Raimondi Math Program Essay Contest on “Why Math is Important.”
Competing in 2012 were 450 students from Maloney, Brier, Vallejo
Mills, Blacow, Durham,
and Cabrillo all of Fremont Unified
School District. Each school had an
assembly that provided an opportunity for the students to meet Mrs.
Raimondi and to receive their prizes. Every child received a math
puzzle and there was a first place winner for each class that
received an electronic maze called “Hexabug.”
Ritikia Piple Areli Llanos
Arzo Zazai
Anthony Payne
Kiester |
Jasleen Kau
Jasmeen Hundal |
Yahao Chen
Jessica Le
Verma Shiranthi Jawahar |
Vallejo Mill
Ethan Mehta
Rich |
Michelle Prasertsanit (Blacow) |
Hemauth Battu |
Gabby Riemer
Joanna Ramirez
(Durham) |
Brier Elementary
Logan Kiester
These math lessons were great. I liked how you
turned some boring math lesson into something fun and exciting.
I learned so much from your
lessons. Like how math is in
our every day jobs, math has a very old life that goes back to
ancient Greece, or that math is science too.
Math is in almost every job we have. Think of
architecture, without math we couldn’t graph where we find bones or
other artifacts. Also, even if you’re a cashier at a restaurant you
still use math. You add numbers to see how much money they give you.
Every job has at least a
little bit of math to do with it. So no matter what kind of job you
have, you always need math. Math is so old. Math has a rich history.
It was first introduced though in Greece.
Mathematicians became famous.
One particular mathematician
was Pythagoras. He created the Pythagorean Theorem. This consisted
of a˛+b˛=c˛.
For discoveries like this he was known far and wide, and so were his
followers, Pythagoreans.
Greece was the beginning for math.
is a mixture of science.
has so much to do with math, Like the liters you would use for math,
we use them in science labs.
we need to count how many microscopes we need. Or we need to use
math equations for science such as e=mc˛.
Science has everything to do
with math. Together they make answers for almost every question.
This is how science is related to math. Math is a very special art.
Adony Payne
Math is important for numerous reasons.
Math is connected to Science,
Language Arts, History, and thinking.
Many everyday tools are used with Math.
The first reason why math is
important is because it is connected to other subjects.
For example; Language Arts
has numbers for measures.
has numbers for dates. (In 14 AD, Augustus died.)
Thinking has numbers for
times, etc. (I’ll go to church at 5:00).
One of the more important
reasons is that our economy depends on numbers such as addition,
division, etc. The store uses a barcode and has numbers.
Computers use binary codes.
Our money is used with math.
Math is important because many tools we use and make are measured in
math code. Bakers use measuring cups.
Mechanics use wrenches, and student use #2 pencils.
As you can infer, math is
We use it from
bank accounts, to weeks.
would we do without math?
Arzo Zazai
Imagine a world without math. When you buy a car, follow a recipe,
or decorate your home, you’re using math principles. People have
been using these ideas for thousands of years, across countries, and
continents. Whether you’re sailing a boat off the coast of Japan, or
building a house, you’re using math to get things done. Math is used
at jobs, sports, doctors, music, recipes, gardening, eating out,
home, etc. As you can see, math is something that we use in our
everyday life, that is why it is so important.
Math is used in jobs. For example, if you are an architect,
you need to know how to measure. Math is used in sports. For
example, you need to know at what angle you must launch. Math is
used in doctors. For example, you need to know how much you weigh
and your blood pressure is determined by a ratio. Music uses math
with the timing of every time you play.
You use math in recipes
because you need to know fractions and ratios.
You use math when you eat out
because you use ratios and percentages to figure out the tip. You
also use math at home.
example, you need to figure out the time or when you pour yourself a
glass of water you use volume.
math there wouldn’t be numbers, phones, clocks, computers, and you
wouldn’t know the day you were born. Next time when you’re about to
say “I hate math” think of how the world would be without it.
Dana Raimondi presenting award
to Arzo Zazai |
Shiranthi Jawahar
Math is a significant part of all of our lives. From the
interesting study of archeology, to the scientific study of
medicine, math is needed.
it obvious?
Math is
everywhere, all around us.
we pretended to be archeologists and paleontologists, and examined
shells, we used math.
We had
to categorize and use fractions, decimals, and percent for all of
those shells.
If there wasn’t
math, we couldn’t have accomplished this simple task.
This is just a small project
that we need math for. Math is also important because it was used
for one of the greatest inventions. The Wright Brothers used a lot
of math to invent the first airplane. Do you know how many diagrams
and variables they used to create a simple-motored airplane that
works? Isn’t that all math? With the help of math, the Wright
Brothers successfully created the airplane. If it wasn’t for them,
we couldn’t travel a far distance. All in all, math has made an
enormous difference in all of our lives. Math is very important!
Prachi Verma
Math has many uses, and for some people, it means the world. We use
math every day, whether we know it or not.
Math is not only at school,
but when you are tying your shoes or when you are looking at your
watch to check the time. Math is used in all jobs during your life.
A doctor uses graphs to see
how tall you grow every year.
scientist uses division to calculate the relation between length and
width of a growing mountain, like Mt. Everest.
We use math everywhere and
anywhere. Without math, the people wouldn’t know anything about
ourselves or our past.
wouldn’t have cars, boats, video games, or any modern technology. We
might as well still be hunter-gathers!
Math has changed greatly. It
is the reason that today we have IPhones, buildings, bank accounts,
and almost everything we want or care about. Because we have math,
we know what and how earthquakes occur.
helps us construct
earthquake proof buildings and saving lives.
Math is everything.
Jessica Le
Math is important because you need math every day.
Math can be fun and boring
but it’s also very important.
need to learn it as a kid, so when you’re an adult you’ll have more
You will need math
when you’re going shopping because when you buy items you need to
pay, and when you pay you have to sum up all your money.
Everyone uses math every day,
because when you’re cooking you have to measure your ingredients and
our houses are also made from math.
houses are made from math because people who built our houses had to
measure the wood, see how much paint they need and that means they
have to go shopping.
Raimondi math they taught me personally that I can use math for
We compared shells
from San Francisco Bay.
made different types of angles and we also graphed sounds from
tuning forks.
If you use math
everyday, you’ll succeed in everything.
Yahao Chen
I think math is very important because we use it for our everyday
We use it for
money and so we can buy or sell things. Also we use it for counting
so we know how many things are in one place.
Bar graphs are for keeping
track of the rate.
We also
use math
for making
things like houses and other things.
Some people use it for surveying.
We use math for archeology so
we could dig things up.
for measuring
We use angles to build rooms
and a lot more like fractions, chemicals, integers, histograms, and
a lot more. I think without math we wouldn’t survive.
We depend on math to do
almost everything.
making houses, measuring things, cutting something in pieces, and on
and on. Math helps people every day of our lives.
Vallejo Mill Elementary
Denny Rich
Math is a very important subject to learn and is used in our daily
life. It is mandatory that
you learn this subject.
need it to get discounts at the grocery store. Even scientists use
math. Many workers need to use math in their jobs daily.
That is why it is taught in
school every day.
One reason
why math is important is that people use it to get discounts at the
grocery store.
If there are
two different sized boxes sold at different prices, you need to know
the unit price of both boxes to get the better deal. Also, people
need to know math to get discounts with coupons.
If there are two coupons for
the same item, you need to know which is the better deal.
Sometimes one coupon will be a percentage off that item and
the other will be an amount in dollars off that item. In order to
find out which one is better, you need to convert one of them into a
percent or an amount off so they will both be the same.
With math, you can save a lot
of money to buy something else.
also use math.
For example,
archeologists need math for their grids on an archeological site.
You also need to know math to
be good in science. Part of science is adding, subtracting,
multiplying, and dividing.
uses a lot of math.
If you
are a geologist, predicting when two plates will crash requires
math. One of the most
important things about math is that it is used in every job.
If you work at a restaurant,
you need to know math to make a recipe. Also, civil engineers need
to use math to calculate the size and weight of a building to make
it safe and reliable. Even janitors need to know math.
That is why math is so
Math is easy to
learn for some people, but for others it is hard to learn.
Whether or not it is easy for
you, it is very important to learn. People use it daily for
discounts, science, and jobs.
reason why math is important is endless.
Ethan Mehta
Math is important in many ways and Raimondi Math helped me realize
that. Engineers use math to
design stuff like computers and other types of software.
Architects use math to design
buildings and to get correct angles and measurements.
The universe can be
described by math. Equations like e=mc˛ help us understand the
universe too.
Raimondi Math
helped me realize that math is so important by showing how math was
used in history, for example, Pythagoras and his secret meetings
with the other “math nerds” of the time.
Also, Raimondi math showed
me that math can be fun too. I enjoyed playing and making different
triangles with the angle legs.
used to not like math as much as I do now because I think about the
people I learned about in Raimondi math and how they loved math and
became famous, and I wasn’t to be like that too.
Math is important because without it we wouldn’t be able to
tell how fast we were going on the highway, not to mention that we
wouldn’t even have cars.
math we wouldn’t be able to describe any rate/speed or even time.
With math I think that we
have a better understanding of everything.
In my opinion, math is
exactly like another language too. How many licks does it take to
get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
now we can know. We can know
everything using math.
Math we can count syllables, so even language depends on Math.
We can conquer the world
using Math.
Ritika Piple
Math is very important because it allows us to do daily tasks with
ease. Rounding, estimation, fractions, and percentages are just a
few of the ways we use math in our everyday life.
Math is used in and out of
school. Even our parents use
it at work.
Math is so
important in every career you can name uses math in one way or
another. Math is used in
banking, science, astronomy, architecture, accounting, sales, retail
stores, engineering, and even cooking.
You also need math to figure
out or read your paycheck.
it wasn’t for math we would never be able to do taxes, pay bills,
and read the time.
importantly doing math helps the mind to reason and organize
complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical
steps. Math is the type of
tool that can help you well in work and any type of education.
It doesn’t matter what type
of math it is like algebra, geometry, or trigonometry to just simple
adding or subtracting. It’s
still math.
Math helps you
with everyday tasks so it is good to learn it.
Jasmine Pacheco
Math is very important because it is all over the world.
For example, when you go
shopping you need to use math to see how much clothes, food,
electronics, and many other things cost, especially if it is on
sale. It could be 40% off and
regular price is $65.99.
if you go to buy a pizza for a party and there is 30 kids you need
to divide the kids by the slices of pizza.
Another reason is if you
would like to dance you would need numbers to know each step.
You also use math for buildings, houses, apartments,
restaurants, and any other kinds of buildings.
The Egyptians also used math
for building pyramids, and other amazing creations.
One more important reason is
that we need math so we could build lots of schools so we can learn.
Areli Llanos
Math is important because it is the most used subject in the world.
Everyone uses some kind of math. Most importantly, doing math helps
the mind to organize situations, problems, simple, and logical
Us, as students
learn more math.
Math (from
Greek) is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change.
Math was not invented by
anyone in particular, people first started doing math-related things
when the counted objects around them.
Math was invented to learn more in life. That is why I think
Math is important.
Jasmeen Hundal
Math is a very important subject.
really important for you to know math if you want to get a good job.
I’m not sure if it’s for
every job, but I know it’s for most jobs.
Most people ask, ”Where will
I ever need Algebra?” The answer to that is you need it in any
occupational field that requires a higher education, such as
computer science, electronics, engineering, medicine (doctors), or
If you want to be
an accountant, you really need to know math and understand it really
well. Math is important
because it is most widely used in the world.
The careers that I talked
about above use some sort of math. More importantly, it is used in
everyday uses.
When we use
money, when we shop, do bills, or pay our taxes, we need math.
Math is also used in banking,
science, astronomy, sales, and pharmaceuticals, retail jobs,
bookkeeping, purchasing, and figuring out your next paycheck.
Math “Rocks” and it is
Jasleen Kumar
Math is important because we use it in our daily life.
When we go to a grocery store
or any store, we need to know how to find the mark-up or sales tax
and make sure we are paying and receiving the right amount of money.
If you go to a restaurant and
want to give the waiter an appropriate tip, you have to know how to
use the present equation to give the proper tip.
Math plays a big role in many
different careers.
example, if you are a nurse, you need to know how to calculate the
medical doses to administer the medicine.
If you are an engineer, you
should know the difference between mathematical angles and degrees.
Scientists need to know math
to calculate data.
You can’t
get through life without math.
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