Carnivores, Herbivores and

Counting Teeth
Investigate how teeth are used to identify the eating habits of
different animals including humans. Compare and contrast
different teeth of each group. |
Kinder |
Looking at Digestive System

Human Digestion
Explore the
sights, sounds and
smells of how food goes through your body. Explore how the
digestive system works and how it obtains important nutrients to
make you grow |
1st Grade
Plants and Seeds

Seeds we Eat
Plants have organs. They have different
parts like roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, that help them
growing and survive. Plants
provide nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, sugars and
much more.. Seeds will be emphasized. |
1st Grade |

Apple and PeachTrees
Students will
learn how to describe leaves and bark. These skills will help
them to identify trees that help provide fruits. They will
learn how plants are an essential part of nutrients for our body
providing protein, carbohydrates, sugars and much more
2nd Grade

Monarch Life Cycle
East Bay Hills Organisms
Many animals
live in the East Bay Hills in the eastern part of Union City. The
mammals, reptiles, birds, and invertebrates will be emphasized.
2nd Grade |
Nutritious Food and Growth
Breakfast Calories
Students will explore how they grow and food are related.
They will compare different type of food to determine what is
good for their body.
Compare healthy snacks to snacks with little nutrients.
3rd Grade
Ohlone Culture
Making a Basket
Look at how Ohlones lived, eat, cleaned,
create shelter, and how they entertained themselves. Compare
native plants and how the Ohlones used them for food source.
Will explore how they fished and hunted and look at the tools
they used. |
3rd Grade |
Plants that Ohlone Used

Tule Doll
The Ohlones used the land to gather
food. They used the native plants like coast live oak to
eat acorns; tules to make boats and homes; and elderberry to
make food and musical instruments.Students
will learn about the native vegetation that allowed them to live
and prosper for thousands of years.
4th Grade
Rock Cycle - Sands

Sands The 3 types of
environments in which rocks are formed on the crust of the earth
can predict what kind of soil will be produced. Explore how
minerals in rocks are the same minerals you need for your body. |
4th Grade |
Biogeology - Soil

Living things affect the physical characteristics of their
region. Water, ice, wind, living organisms and gravity break rock soil and
sediment into smaller particles and move them around.
5th Grade |

Decomposer Cards
Decomposter diagram
Organisms are related in food web. Some
organisms like fungi and bacteria break down dead organisms and operate as
decomposers. Decomposition eventually restores or recycles some materials
back to the soil. Students will learn about composting project at Masonic
Home. |
5th Grade |
Healthy Environments

healthy earth includes clean water, air, and soil.
Humans interact with their environment throughout their life
impacts their health. What is the best way to clean and sustain
our environment? Does it help us feel better? How do
wildlife biologist determine the health of an environment?