White ash
Family Oleaceae (olive)
Fraxinus americana
Leaves are opposite, pinnately compound with
7 serrate to entire leaflets that are ovate to somewhat lanceolate,
8 to 12 inches long and, essentially hairless. The flowers are
dioecious (male and female borne on separate plants), both sexes
lacking petals. Flowers appear before or with the leaves. The fruit
is a one-winged, dry, flattened samara with a full, rounded, seed
cavity, maturing October to November and dispersing over winter.
Twigs are stout, gray-olive-green in color, and hairless. Leaf scars
round at the bottom, notched at the top, with lateral buds in the
notch. Terminal bud is large, brown, and flanked by two lateral
buds. Bark is ashy gray to brown in color, with interlacing corky
ridges forming obvious diamonds. Older trees may be scaly.
Family Oleaceae (olive)
Olea europea
Olive tree is
adapted to hot, dry summers and introduced into California by the
Spaniards as a food source and oil. Olive leaves are whitish
beneath and dark green above, with a narrow lance-shaped leaves with
clusters of tiny, white flowers.
shrub to small evergreen tree that is native to New Zealand. Leaves
alternate, lanceolate, 4-14 cm long, glossy green, finely serrated.
Flowers auxiliary, white with purple lines radiating from center.
Fruits oblong, reddish.