Students should have
learned that the weather we experience is due to many factors. It depends
on how close we are to land, water, and mountains. But it also depends on
how the Earth rotates through space. Movement of the atmosphere throughout
the world helps explain the weather patterns that we see. A combination of
air in the atmosphere and water from the oceans interact will influence
our weather greatly.
Weather changes all the
time. Weather is created in the atmosphere that envelops the Earth.
Weather changes so much because the Earth is constantly spinning. Lands
and water bodies heat up differently that cause constant atmospheric
change. Also note that "seasons" are not the same as weather. Seasons have
to do with the angle of the solar radiation we receive caused by the tilt
of the Earth's axis.
Does temperature at school change through time and why?
are learning how to collect data and record it.
Putting data on a line graph helps them to visualize the changes
through time. Students learn
how to read a thermometer.
Measurement of temperature in shade.
Thermometer should be vertical. They take the temperature in one
spot and time of day. You can
collect data for 3 days every half hour.
Have a child go outside and record.
You can do this maybe every month
from Nov 1 to March 1.
Students are learning how to
collect data over a period of time.
This helps them to understand that scientists take time to come up
with an answer, which is only as good as the data.
Students make a "data"
collection that would store their sheets. These sheets will be
used toward the end of the year when they can put the information on a
data sheet.
Go over the parts of the data sheet for one day.
Throughout the year they will learn more about clouds and wind.
At the beginning you can just answer "yes" or "no."
They can be more descriptive as they learn new words to describe
what they see.