Exploring the Earth/Moon systems creates the ultimate shadow in
the sky. |
BACKGROUND: On Earth we always see the same side of the Moon, because as the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Moon rotates so that the same side is always facing the Earth. But the Moon still looks a little different every night. Sometimes the entire face glows brightly. Sometimes we can only see a thin crescent. Other times the Moon seems to disappear entirely. As the bright parts of the Moon appear to change shape during the month, each stage of the change is called a phase, and each phase carries its own name.
want to start off (or end the lesson) with Zoom Zoom….. get the students
into the mood of learning about the Moon. 2. Read the story. Although Mugambi's Moving Moon is fictional, it reflects how children view and interpret their world. The Moon has a schedule and comes out at night. Children observe the night time sky and realize that the Moon is predictable. Mugambi moves to a new place and knows the Moon will follow him and therefore is a comfort. Books like this can be used to illustrate the difference between illusion and fact. There are many additional books you can use to remind students there are many things we don't understand, but that is why we go to school.
Explain the difference between a new Moon and a full Moon to the students.
Group the students into threes. Have one student be the Sun (flashlight), one the Moon
(small Styrofoam ball), and one the Earth
(large Styrofoam ball), . Again, have the Sun hold the flashlight. This time the
Sun will shine on the Moon.
With a
partner have students work with the Earth ball and the Moon to try and
make sense of the diagram.
It is important to emphasis that these are big shadows.
Students may ask what an eclipse is…. So basically answer as it is a
shadow caused by the Moon getting in between the Earth and Sun.
6. Play the Phases of the Moon
7. Give them the Oreo Moon Phases worksheet.
Have them draw in the phases of the moon on each circle using the
moon phases diagram (you can do this on the board so they are all doing it
at once).
8. Next give each
student (or each pair of students) 4 oreos.
Have them open the oreo so that all the frosting is on one half and
the other half has none. Place
the one with frosting in the full moon spot and then the one without
frosting on the new moon. Open
the other cookies and move the frosting using the plastic knife or spoon
so the frosting is the right shape for the Phase.
Once you have gone around and made sure their phases are correct,
students can eat the cookies.