Let’s take an example of “rust.” We see evidence of “rust” all the time. Usually it is a reddish, brownish or greenish powder found on metals. But what causes this reaction? Is it chemical or biological? The answer will not just come to you. Some people might not know that it is rust. What should you do? First, you should start by asking people about rust. They don’t have to be a scientist to have knowledge. So you ask people and they give you terms like “rust,” “oxidation,” and “chemical reaction.” Once you get a name for what is happening, it is time to do some research.
The fastest way to find information would be to search the internet. Researching the problem might help you discover how rust starts. But again, how should you start? If you have internet connectivity, the first thing you should do is use your favorite search engine and look up “rust.” That gives you too many selections. You need to refine your search, so you can try “rust, chemical reaction,” “rust, oxidation,” or other words people may have given you. This will help narrow the search. You may get some scientific papers that you cannot understand. You think again for another way to ask the search engine, and you type in “metal rust.” You finally get some good links that might help you out. You look at several websites and start to formulate a definition of rust. |