The California Nursery
Historical Park is an
important historical sites in California and helps tell the
story of the transformation of our state into
the agricultural powerhouse it is today. It was
also important in development of horticultural varieties
still found in gardens throughout California. Did you know
by the late 1800s the California Nursery was world famous
and that fruits and trees developed at the Nursery were
shipped all over the North and South America? Did you know that the
innovative entrepreneurs of the Nursery did meticulous
research that provided us with many of the fruit, nuts and
decorative plants we enjoy today?
The Math Science Nucleus
(MSN), a local non profit, devoted to science education, over
the last 10 years,
has been instrumental in protecting these precious
archives and buildings and developing programming for
students and the public .\
The tour will include the museum
as well as the show gardens. Because of
construction we might be limited to certain areas. but
will provide an insight to the workings of agriscience
in Fremont during the late 1800s to early 1900's.