Restoring Vegetation on Island in Pond C Timothy Ma
My project will benefit the Math Science Nucleus and Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon by removing plants such as dock and burs which get caught in fish and animals and also clogs the drainage. The second half consisted of restoring native plants such as tules, willows, buckeyes, and oaks. This will bring back native wildlife. This will also be an educational experience to the many student visitors by educational tours and field trips to the area.
I would like to give a gigantic thanks to the following scouts: Anthony Rust, Quess Liu, Alexander Scott, Ryan Hatano, Alex Krishnan, Aatash Parikh, Thomas Matthews, Nicholas Hoffman, Anthony Prickett, and Aashish Bhardwaj. And the adults: Robert Hoffman, Daryl Hatano, Kim and Ken Ma (parents), John and girlfriend, and Dr. Joyce Blueford.