Quality Monitoring
Rick Switzer, Centerville Junior H.S.,
Fremont, CA
Junior High students can help
scientists study local environments. A field trip to the Tule
Ponds at Tyson's Lagoon, can provide students with the skills to monitor
and interpret water quality issues.
In addition to introducing
students to a local environment, there are several lessons in this
scientific field trip that may be helpful later in a student's life.
Performing chemical tests
on water quality teaches procedural skills, and supports the idea
that a person can find out what is happening in his or her local environment.
This is the first step to becoming involved in taking care of the place
in which one lives.
Students are introduced to chemistry
as a tool to understand the world around them.
Accurate measurement and record
keeping skills are emphasized and practiced.
Analytical skills are emphasized,
leading students to question the occurance of events in local water systems.
These exercises for Junior
High students involve testing several critical facets of water quality,
the amount of dissolved oxygen and temperature of Tyson's
lagoon and the adjacent water treatment ponds. Students will also
relate the type, diversity and abundance of biological life found in the
different ponds.
If you would like to schedule
a field trip please go to our scheduling
Ready to Go
the Ponds