Building Picnic Benches for Educational Areas

Yash Sahni,
Troop 152, Fremont

We started off with unloading all the wood and other materials from the car. We set up the table legs and then attached the seats. After that, we screwed on the table top. Then we had to flip the benches over and attach a support plank of wood that connected the legs to the underside of the tabletop. Once that was over, we sanded the table at all corners then painted. We had to cut some of the wood off to adjust the measurements but it all worked out in the end.

   putting pieces together sanding  and preparing surfaces

The people who helped me were Sparsh Bansal, Savir Khanna, Tanmay Garg, Shobit Bansal, Mayukha Methuku. 
                                                               painting finished tables

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