Prevent Erosion behind Classroom

Tanmay Garg
Troop 152, Fremont

 My name is Tanmay Garg, a Life Scout from Troop 152. My Eagle Project was to build a retaining wall behind the Tule Ponds classroom, as the area was distressed due to heavy erosion. To make the wall, we first cleared out a path to access the site and then used an Earth auger to dig 2ft holes in the ground. We then secured the posts to the ground using concrete and finished the structure by attaching the pressure-treated boards to the posts. In a few subsequent visits, I attached extra boards and backfilled the area behind the wall with soil and mulch. The total project came out to be about 1.5ft (18 inches) in height and is fortified enough to protect the foliage and prevent erosion for the foreseeable future. 

               making holes for retaining wall   Scouts painting the wood with protective coating
  This project would not have been possible without the extensive help of all the Scouts and adults of Troop 152, who are: Vardaan, Sahara, Nikita, Savir, Sparsh, Yash, Anay, Mr. Bansal, Mr. Sahni, and Mr. Jain. In addition, I want to thank Mr. Khoury, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Pratt for guiding me throughout the planning part of the project. I would like to also thank my parents and my brother for assisting me throughout. A special thanks to Cresco Rentals for allowing us to borrow an Earth auger and a drill machine, as well as Dr. Blueford and Mr. Williams for providing guidance throughout the entirety of the project.  
                    securing posts for retaining wall and pour concrete finished retainer by building up wall


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