Storms in 2016 caused severe soil erosion along the side of the
trail. My eagle project was focused primarily on preventing further
damage on a side of the trail that is facing pond A located in Tule
Ponds. In order to prevent this, I have decided to build a natural
retaining wall made of logs to block erosion. In order to build it,
I used approximately 50-60 logs each around 2-5ft long. Tools were
then used to create a 1 ft deep holes. After the logs were set, the
hole was refilled to make the overall structure more sturdy.
I would like to thank the following volunteers(Ravi Trivedi, Kevin Cheng, Rashed Syed, Ridwan Syed, and Aditya Trivedi) for helping me complete my eagle project. I could not have finished without the help of my fellow volunteers. I would also like to thank my dad for helping me transport the logs and the California Nursery for supplying me with the logs. Lastly, I would like to thank Dr.Blueford for giving me the opportunity and supporting me throughout the project.