Flower Planters near Building
Shreyas Arora
Troop 125, Fremont


My eagle project consisted of creating 3 planter boxes that are approximately 2.5 ft by 6 feet in size and 2 feet tall. We then installed these planter boxes in Tule Ponds, which will later serve as a location for the beneficiary to grow milkweed. This will help accomplish two things: First off, the soil in the area should get better over time due to the addition of new soil and plants. Secondarily, the plants will attract monarch butterflies making the environment more inviting to visitors; especially the young children who visit for school field trips as it will give them a better experience of nature.

      start of project making planters

I would like to thank the scouts and adults part of troop 125 for helping me complete this project: Dev Shetty, Varun Ranjan, Ganesh, Aakash Mandyam, Nathan Gong, Aditya Gupta, Pranav VK, and Mr. Vijay Kumar, Mr. Arora. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Cooper for his guidance throughout the planning process and Dr. Blueford for giving me the opportunity.

               completion of one planter finished planters ready to install


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