Building a Log Retaining Wall at Entrance
Ryen Teo
Troop 153, Fremont

My Eagle Service Project was to build a log retaining wall for a roadside area near the entrance of Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon. This project required logs, and a large amount of pebbles and dirt. The tools used to do the project include shovels, bow rakes, a compactor, and integral drill rods. First, the area was cleared of all debris: rotting wood, wood chips, roots, and leaves. Then, 28 logs, with 10 – 15 inches in diameters, were selected from an available log pile at the back of Tule Ponds. Using the shovels and integral drill rods, a trench was dug out. Once the trench was completed, a compactor was used to level the bottom of the trench. Lastly, the logs were lowered vertically into the trench, buried, and compacted one by one. Pebbles and dirt were spread to fill in the gaps behind and in front of the retaining wall to prevent soil erosion. Finally, water was sprayed on the entire project to settle down all the dirt and dust.

preparing area

spreading gravel

With the incredible help and support the project was finished on time and within budget. This entire project was one big learning experience for me. One big problem was the lack of manpower. This was not the fault of the people I asked, but was my own fault because I didn’t contact helpers in a timely manner. Another big mishap was the fact that there was a lot of dust, and I forgot to buy dust masks! We had to eat dirt every work session. But even though there were many other small problems, my helpers and I still got through it and I would like to thank them. Big thanks to Brandon Gordon and Joe Chen who not only helped me greatly with the project, but have already dedicated so much of their time to enhance and beautify Tule Ponds already.  I am very grateful for my family’s support and their own will to urge me forward. Last but not least, all my friends from Troop 153: Cade Nauman, Kasi Manikumar, Arthur Shir, and Jason Tan. With their help, I was able to complete the project in 3 workdays and I will forever be grateful. Again, thank you all that helped with this project!   

back filling wall

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