Building a Trail along the water at Station 6, Tyson Lagoon
Mathew Trieu
Troop 176, Fremont

My project was to create a trail along the water at North Tysons Lagoon.  The trail I was creating would make it safer for students to view the water.  It also would help prevent erosion along the waterside.  My project involved a series of steps which were removing the blackberries within the area of the trail, cutting back trees, digging into the soil, removing the blackberry roots, laying gravel on the trail, and installing steps.  This project was a huge task and it tested my skills as a leader.  All of my volunteers did their best in completing their tasks and as a result we were able to complete the project.

cutting trees along trail

digging out the trail

            This project would not have been possible without all the fantastic people who helped me. I had Adults and Youth who came and put time into my project.  I want to thank all the adult volunteers that helped out Mrs. Chee, Mr. Chee, Mrs. Guagliardi, Mr. Jay, Mr. Kazak, Mrs. Kazak, Mr. Kunz, Mrs. Patel, Mr. Schlobohm, Mr. Stringer, Mrs. Trieu, Mrs. Tripoli, Mr. Willis, Mrs. Willis, Kevin Wilson and Steve Wilson.  All I also want to thank all my youth volunteers Matt Burgess, Desmond Chee Daniel Chen, Nicholas Chen, Srinath Gioli, Arjun Gupta, Codey Huang, Andrei Ionita, Greg Jay, Kevin Jay, Rustom Kazak, Sarosh Kazak, Sohrab Kazak, Alex Kunz, Paul Lew, Kyle Louie, Sean McKearin, Mukul Murthy, Thomas Narveson, Vinit Nayak, Miraj Patel, Sohan Patel, John Prior, Rajiv Samagond, Jacob Schlobolm, Luke Schlobolm, Samuel Stringer, Scott Trevarthen, Brian Trieu, Richard Williams, James Willis, Chris Wilson, Jordan Wong, and Aaron Yang.  A special thanks to Dr. Blueford who helped me start this project and Mr. Stringer who advised me on how to build the trail.

  Clearing the non native blackberry cutting the trial

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