Developing Trail in Canopy to Tyson Lagoon
Hubert Chen
Troop 112, Fremont

From April 17, 2017 to April 21, 2017, I cleared a large area of blackberry bushes and built a land bridge for Tule ponds. The blackberry bushes are invasive and pose a threat to the native wild life and local visitors because of its spiky thorns. With a group of volunteers, we cleared an extensive area of blackberry bushes to clear up an opening to the shore of the lake. Additionally, we built a land bridge across a ravine to prevent little kids from tripping as they run across. To construct this, I created a retaining wall out of wood in which I filled up with dirt and mulch. To reinforce the retaining wall, I piled logs next to the boards, providing a natural appearing support for the bridge. Through my project, I will be able to keep little kids from falling and getting injured, while helping to protect local wild life.

area before clearing

area before earth path

Due to the high amount of labor required for my project, I gathered the help of many friends and troop members in which we completed the project over a course of 2 days, spending 3 hours per day. The following people helped on the day of my eagle project: Thomas Brommer, Felix Pan, Brent Sakihara, Jacob Pearsall, Linda Brommer, Brenda Koay, Justin Li, Kyle Mak, Bradley Sakihara, Richard Zheng, Heather Zheng, Gordon Chiu, Jaxon Orluck, and Ryder Orluck.  Furthermore, thanks to the help of my eagle project coach- Darrel Moore, scoutmaster- Linda Brommer, and committee chair- Robert Brommer I was able to plan out my project successfully. Lastly, I would like to thank Dr. Blueford for giving me the opportunity to help out at Tule Ponds.

preparing retaining walls  finished earth bridge 


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