Making a Flower Bed along Fence Line in butterfly meadow 
Brandon Lu
Troop 111, Fremont

For my Eagle Scout Project, I built a raised bed using wooden retaining walls. The dimensions were 36 feet x 2 1/2 feet x 1 foot. First, I drilled, cut, and assembled several parts of the bed at home with some help from my dad and a couple friends. Then, I transported the pieces to Tule Ponds in my car. The first step of the project was to dig 1 1/2 foot holes for the posts to go into. While we were digging, we assembled parts of the retaining wall. After all the holes were dug, we placed the retaining wall posts into them and made adjustments to ensure proper alignment and level. Finally, we poured concrete into the holes to hold the posts in place. We returned a day after to shovel dirt into the holes and into the gaps underneath the retaining walls. 



area before

clearing area

I would like to thank all the people who came for helping me complete my eagle project. Without their help, I would not have finished. I would also like to thank Math Science Nucleus, Tule Ponds, and Dr. Blueford for providing me with this opportunity.

preparing retaining walls  securing posts

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