Building Planter Boxes overlooking Tyson Lagoon

Ayush Kansal
Troop 199, Fremont

For my eagle project, I designed, built, and installed two planter boxes. Both planter boxes are   6' x 3' x 1', and were placed on a slope near the bird blind. We first started by removing all the weeds in the area, as we determined it was too overgrown. We then dug a total of 8 holes for the 2 planter boxes. While digging the holes, we cut the wood into 4, 2' x 12'' x 6' planks, 4, 2' x 12'' x 3' planks, 4, 4'' x 4'' x 1.5' planks, and 4, 4'' x 4'' x 2' planks. We then used bolts, washers, and nuts to put the pieces together to make 2 boxes. The extra 0.5' - 1' in the 4'' x 4'' was put into the holes to help secure the box. We then filled the holes with gravel to prevent any slides even when it rains. While filling the gravel we adjusted the boxes to make they were level. On the second day of work, we finished adding the gravel into the holes, laid wood chips around the boxes, and added mulch inside. 
   clearing area before starting  putting boxes together

Tule Ponds was a fantastic location to complete my Eagle Project. The staff is extremely helpful and skilled in the area. Tule Ponds is also extremely supportive of BSA programs. Additionally, Tule Ponds supplied most of the tools that I used to complete the boxes. I'd like to thank Dr. Blueford, for giving me advice on the project and identifying the area. Further, I'd like to thank Mr. Art for helping with my project. I'd like to thank my Scoutmaster, Mr. Thodupunoori, for providing insightful advice on the planning steps for my project. Some Scouts who helped at the site include Sidharth Thodupunoori, Nikhil Dewitt, Rithwik Gupta, Rohith Bandaru, and Aarnav G. I would also like to thank my parents for supporting me throughout my project.
                    installing boxes leveling boxes

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