Making a Platform and Benches for Pergola
Akhilesh Varigonda
Troop 154, Fremont

My Eagle Project was to set up a platform on the pergola and move two benches near station 4. The purpose of this project was to make it easier for students to view the canopy. In this project, we had to dig out two benches and then dig holes in the area where benches are going to be moved. Also, we replaced the planks for the benches after it was moved. For the pergola, we had to attach the wood planks accordingly for the platform to be leveled, then we planted both the pergola and the benches for the smoothness and for the better look of it. 

leveling area under platform engineering the platform
I would like to thank the following scouts who volunteered: Vishanth Mohan, Rahul Prakash, Rithwik Seth, Rikhil Seth, Mann Modi, Parth Mehta, Amogh Maddileti, Rohan Shukla, Ishan Shukla, Saahith Veeramaneni, Arya Prince, and Joel Johnson. I would like to thank the adults who came: Mr.Kumar, Mr.Prakash and a special thanks to Mr.Mohan in giving me great construction tips and helping a lot when we were constructing the platform for the pergola. Finally, I would like to thank my whole family for supporting me in this project and most importantly, I would like to thank Ms. Blueford and Mr. Art for giving me this opportunity. 
                    painting the pergola digging out benches


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