Building Flower Planters
to Beautify Front
Parking Lot

Akhil Prakash
Troop 153, Fremont

The goal of my project was to install six planter boxes in the front of Tule Ponds in order to beautify the area. The 50 ft by 17 ft area was cleaned, trees were trimmed, and he planter boxes installed. Many invasive species like, Coyote Brush, were cleared away so there would be more nutrients for the native plants.This project makes the entrance of Tule Ponds look more beautiful since flowers will be grown in these boxes and looking at them the children can learn more about the different plants.

Scouts are using teamwork in order to put the bolts into the post.

 A Scout is using shears to cut Coyote Brush

     I would like to thank the following people for making by Eagle Project possible: My parents, Charu and Deepak Prakash, Dr. Blueford, Rohan Prakash, Andrew Hancock, Brandon, Rohit Ravi, Arihant Jain, Siddhant Jain, Rikin Ajmera, Krishan Rao, Randy Chow, Mohit Asthana, Gaurav Kumar, Suhas Thallapenini, Ryan Hatano, Rishi Bhandia. I want to especially thank my donors Mr. Al from Mc Ivor Hardware Store and Golden State Lumber.

Total hours spent planning: 90; Total hours spent working: 326

A scout is using a post hole digger to dig holes in which the posts of the planter box were placed

The first two planter boxes are placed in the ground

[Tule Home]