Completion of trail along east side of Tyson Lagoon
Akhil Ganti
Troop 132, Fremont

On the first workday, my team cleared the area of the pre-existing trail, which was initially very dense with branches and overhanging trees. Knives and handsaws were used to clear the smaller greenery and branches, while a chainsaw was used to clear the large branches. After the trail was cleared, logs were placed along the trail to delineate the extension and provide a barrier against the slope of the hill.

On the second workday, my group placed the tree-stump steps along the slope of the hill and spread wood chips along the extension all the way to the top of the steps. We used wheelbarrows to transport the wood chips, and the steps were held down in place by the weight of the soil.

clearing area

I would like to thank the scouts of Troop 132, scouts from other troops, and my friends from school for helping me with my project. I could not have completed it so efficiently without their help. I would like to thank Manoj Joshi of Wellness By All Means for sponsoring my project and my parents as well for helping with the chainsaw usage and for serving food.

I would also like to sincerely thank Dr. Blueford for providing me with this opportunity to complete my Eagle project.

preparing steps  terracing area

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