Alex Chin
Eagle Project

Troop 468
July 2006

The goal of this project is to construct and paint 4 redwood benches at Station 6 in Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon in Fremont, CA. Also, I will be landscaping the area around the benches with wood chips. This project benefits the Fremont community for many years to come because people can relax and rest on these benches while having the opportunity to observe the natural wildlife beauty at Tule Ponds. However, these benches were built primarily for students that come to Tule Ponds to learn about science and conservation. These students are affiliated with the Math Science Nucleus, a non-profit organization.

Getting the benches ready Butting the benches together

Much thanks to all those who helped (especially to my parents for their dedication). 

Friends & Scouts: Alex Chin, Avery Green, Elliot Shih, Alex Kuo, Jason Zhang, Shuhei Yotsumoto, Matthew Wong, Brian Ng, Kelvin Lu, Edward Wu, Kevin Hwang, Alex Lu, Chris Tam, Eric Tam, Charles Wu, Justin Wu, Vincent Wong, Eric Wong

Digging holes for benches Cementing the benches

Adults: Mr. Roger Chin, Mrs. Patricia Li, Mr. Pauli Hsueh, Mr. Roy Tsai, Mr. Ed Ng, Dr. Blueford, Mr. Terry Tam, Mrs. Kit Lu,