Rock and
Roeding Greenhouse Established at California Nursery
by Sandy Ferreira
I am pleased to announce the completion of
the newly constructed Greenhouse located in the Niles District. The
Greenhouse, an Eagle Scout Service Learning Project, was built by Fremont
resident Adam Raudsep.
During the planning and construction phase, Adam had the good fortune of being mentored by Parks Field Supervisor Nelson Kirk. Building the Greenhouse was a cooperative effort among Adam, Nelson, other Boy Scouts and Community Members.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to lean
how to propagate native plants, trees, and shrubs, including some non-native
species. The Greenhouse stock will be planted in the parks and throughout
the community to continue the cycle of these wonderful plants. According
to Nelson, the majority of the trees and shrubs at California Nursery were
planted around 1884 by nursery founder John Rock. George Roeding later
purchased the California Nursery in 1917. Between the years 1870-1917 Rock
and Roeding were considered the most prominent nurserymen in the Pacific Coast.
Trees planted include nursery stock so rare
they can not be found in other nurseries. Seeds will be collected and
germinated from these historic trees as well as other historic trees throughout
the City.
Nelson's goal is to preserve the diversity of the historical trees of the City for future generations. "We want our community to be able to see and appreciate the historical trees brought here by our pioneer nurserymen."