Water Cycle - Atmosphere (2)
PROBLEM: Does air exert pressure?PREDICTION:
MATERIALS: plastic clear glass, water, card
- fill cup with water
- put card on top
- turn cup upside down quickly fill glass water
Describe what happens.
MATERIALS: piece of paper, straw
- put paper against one end of straw
- suck through the other end
Describe what happens?
MATERIALS: straw, plastic glass of waterDraw what happens.
- take straw, put finger on one end
- Push the other end into glass of water.
Describe what happens?
- put straw in without finger on top
- put finger on top and remove straw
MATERIALS: plastic glass, paper towel, pan of waterGive examples of how air exerts pressure.
- put an upside down glass with a paper towel in a pan of water
- put one glass filled with water upside down in water, put an empty glass next to the other
- tip the empty glass next to the glass with water as in the diagram. What happened after #2?
What happened after #3?