Information on the planets increases every year. Not
only is the United States exploring space, but many other countries are
investigating the planets of our Solar System. Books that have been
published in the past may contain erroneous or out-of-date information
because of this new research. However, these books may still be useful for
their ability to reach younger children, as long as you correct their
mistakes. The Internet can help you update your lessons, and provide
spectacular pictures of the planets and the other components of the
Universe. Combining the information gained from the Internet and the use of
children’s books only enhances what your students will learn.
- Read The Planets in our Solar System to your students. The book
contains a number of activities that you might want to do with your
students. They will enhance their understanding of the different
- If you have classroom internet access, you may want to show the
students the internet sites listed below. Tell the students that new
information on the planets comes from many satellites and space probes
that scientists launch into space. These space probes take a long time
to get to the planets. When they get there, they send back pictures and
information on the rocks, atmosphere, and other characteristics of the
planet. This information may change what we know about the planet, often
making us understand it better.
The following sites can be used to update information for yourself
and to show students a place to go to get new information.
View of the Solar System, information on each of the planets.