SCIENCE STANDARDS 1. Students should be able to contrast and compare the different components of the Universe.2. Students should recognize which components of the Universe are subsets of the Solar System and Galaxy. 3. Students should begin thinking about how the Solar System formed. 4. Students should recognize the difference between Constellation Charts and Celestial Globes. 5. Students should know that meteorites are found within the Solar System, and are similar to volcanic rocks. 6. Students should understand how to compare the surfaces of the different planets. 7. Students should be able to recognize key characteristics of planets. 8. Students should distinguish a topographic map from other types of maps. 9. Students should recognize contours. 10. Students should be able to compare the Earth with the other planets. OVERVIEW OF FIFTH GRADE UNIVERSE WEEK 1. SOLAR SYSTEM WEEK 2. EARTH WEEK 3. GEOGRAPHY WEEK 4. |