SCIENCE STANDARDS 1. Students should begin to distinguish non-living from living objects.2. Students should begin to recognize that animals are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates. 3. Students should recognize that most large animals on land are vertebrates. 4. Students should realize that we use animals for many of our needs. 5. Students should recognize the different human senses. 6. Students should recognize the nervous system allows us to feel. 7. Students should understand that fluids circulate through our body. 8. Students should recognize that humans require certain nutrients to make our body strong. 9. Students should know that seeds produce a living plant. 10. Students should begin to recognize that plants are many shapes. 11. Students should begin to realize that plants produce substances that humans need. 12. Students should begin to compare land and water environments. 13. Students should be able to recognize that animals live in different environments. 14. Students should recognize the different habitats of birds. OVERVIEW OF FIRST GRADE ORGANISMS WEEK 1. HUMAN BIOLOGY WEEK 3. PLANT LIFE WEEK 5. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT WEEK 7. |