Rock Cycle 
Test to review 8 week unit

1. A solution is saturated when ________________________.

A. it is mixed with a powder
B. no more solute can be dissolved in it
C. it is heated and additional solute is dissolved in it
D. it is composed of pure water

2. The periodic table of the elements is useful because ____________ .

A. it reveals compounds
B. gives information about chemists
C. it is a reference table of all the elements known to humans
D. it lists minerals.

3. Which is not on the periodic table?

A. The atomic weight of an element
B. The atomic number of an element
C. The name of the element
D. The name of the chemists who discovered each element.

4. Electroplating requires:

A. a saturated solution
B. a supersaturated solution
C. a solution that is not saturated
D. A, B, or C

5. A mineral feels very heavy in your hand compared to an equal volume of water. You are feeling the __________________.

A. specific gravity
B. color
C. lead
D. volume

6. Galena is composed of a compound that includes the elements lead and sulfur. What uses do you think galena may have?

A. ore of iron
B. ore of lead
C. ore of silver
D. none of these

7. Quartz is the most abundant mineral on Earth. It is composed of two elements called ________________.

A. silicon and hydrogen
B. silicon and sulfur
C. silicon and oxygen
D. silicon and helium

8. List three uses of minerals and rocks in our society:


9. Joe the prospector found a substance that had many useful minerals in it. This substance is called a(n) ________________.

A. ore
B. mineral
C. element
D. metal

10. The rock cycle relies on the movement of _______________.

A. dogs
B. plates
C. balloons
D. minerals

11. The study of stratigraphy looks at _______________.

A. fossils
B. rock strata
C. geologic time
D. all of these

12. Correlate the fossil layer found in these cores.

13. Cement can bind substances together better than adhesives or glues. Explain why?


14. Below is a diagram of the Earth showing converging and diverging plates. Write in where you think sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks are formed?

ANSWERS: 1.(B); 2.(C); 3(D); 4.(D); 5(A); 6. (B); 7.(C); 8. GEMS, MATERIALS, CEMENT INDUSTRY, GLASS INDUSTRY, BUILDING, and other uses are acceptable depending on what the teacher emphasized; 9.(A); 10.(B); 11.(D);





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