Rock Cycle - Rocks (1B)
Post Lab 

  • Comparing rocks.
  • Contrasting the three types of rocks.
  • igneous
  • metamorphic
  • sedimentary
  • rock samples
  • Mineral and Rock Display Kit

Students draw pictures of where rocks form.


It is important for children to realize that rocks with the same name may look different. One piece of the igneous rock granite may look different from a piece of granite from another location. Some granites are pink and orange, while others are mainly white with a few dark minerals. Rocks are named because of their mineral composition, and that is sometimes very hard to identify, even for a geologist!

The mystery of identifying rocks can easily be solved if students learn the building blocks of how they were formed. In the lower grades, the constant exposure to different types of rocks is important so students don’t just get one picture of that rock. You will find that students will bring in many rocks for you to identify. The information below with the guidance of the Mineral and Rock Kit will help you identify many of their "treasures."

  1. Before lab, prepare display specimens of rocks for students to examine.
  2. Review the specimens that you used during the lab. Make sure you describe the environments where each rock was created.

    IGNEOUS - granite, scoria, obsidian
    - sandstone, conglomerate, shale
    - marble, schist, gneiss

  3. Show students different examples of the rocks that they saw during the lab. Use the Mineral and Rock Display Kit or other specimens. Emphasize that two rocks with the same name may look different.
  4. If students bring in rocks and minerals for you to identify, have the students look at the minerals and rocks in the kit. Have the students try and reason if their rock looks like one of the specimens. You may want to leave the Mineral and Rock kit out, so students can bring in specimens to identify. Remember, it is "OK" to say you don’t know.
  5. Have the students draw their own favorite rock environments, using the worksheet as a guide.

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