ASH small particles emitted from a volcano |
BEACH the shore between the high and low water mark, covered with sand or pebbles |
BLACK a dark color like that of charcoal |
BLUE the color of the sky and water, can refer to many shades |
BONY like a bone |
CARNIVORE organism that eats meat |
CHEMISTRY the study of matter and its interactions |
CLEAR to see through, transparent |
COLOR the sensation produced by various rays of light of different wavelengths |
COPPER (cu,#29)a reddish colored element used to make wire, pennies, and pipes |
CRYSTAL characteristic geometric shape that a substance can assume |
DINOSAUR extinct animals that lived between 225 and 65 million years ago |
ELEMENTS a substance that can not be split into smaller chemical substances |
ERODE to wear or wash away |
EXTINCT gone forever |
FOSSIL remains of any organism that lived in the past |
GAS a state of matter that is not liquid or solid |
GOLD (Au,#79)au from the greek "aurea"; a yellow metallic element of every high value that is unaffected by air and most chemicals |
GREEN the color of grass |
GROW to get large |
HERBIVORE organism that eats plants |
IGNEOUS rocks formed by heat or fire that have melted, cooled , and heated |
LARGE very big |
LAVA the hot, melted rock that comes from a valcano |
LIQUID not solid or gas |
LIVING to be alive;having the ability to react to stimuli |
MAGMA melted rock inside the earth |
MAGNIFYING GLASS a lens that makes objects appear larger |
MATTER something that occupies space and has weight |
MICROSCOPE an instrument with lenses that magnify objects or details to small to be seen with the naked eye |
MINERAL an naturally occuring, inorganic, crystalline substance that is made up of elements |
PLASMA highly ionized gaseous form of matter |
PREHISTORIC before written records were kept |
PYRITE a mineral (iron sulfide) used in the manufacturing of sulfuric acid |
QUARTZ a clear mineral made up of silicon dioxide, from which glass is made |
REPTILE cold blooded animal that has a backbone |
RIVER a large stream of water |
ROCK a solid mixture of minerals and chemicals, the hard part of the earths crust |
SAND very fine loose fragments of rock resulting from the wearing down of rocks by erosion |
to stay in position |
SMALL not large or big |
SOLID a state of matter that is neither liquid or gas, substance with an internal crystalline structure |
SQUARE a geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles |
VOLCANIC of, like or produced by a chemical |
VOLCANO a mountain or hill with openings through which lava or gases are or have been expelled |
WATER a colorless, oderless, tasteless liquid that is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen |
WHITE a light color like snow or salt |