Plate Tectonic - Plate Tectonics (K)

prior to the lab

     Copies of whichever puzzle you wish to use.
     hard stock paper (make 2 copies for each set)
     large ziplock baggies
     contact paper or laminator

PROCEDURE: Worksheets A and B

Tape worksheets A and B together so that they match the picture below. Copy or mount the them onto hard stock paper. Laminate one copy or cover it with clear contact paper. This uncut version will be your key for the puzzle. Divide the other copy into pieces to the puzzle by cutting along the heavily marked lines. These pieces represent the actual large plates of the Earth’s lithosphere. The dotted lines show additional small plates, but should not be cut out. Assemble the puzzle on top of the uncut version of the plate tectonic puzzle. Put all the pieces for one puzzle in a baggie for storage.

Click on picture for a larger printable version

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