Life Cycle - Organisms (KB)
Post Lab

  • Comparing plants and animals.
  • Observing animals during a critter walk.
  • animal
  • organism
  • plant
  • collecting jars
  • Swift-GH Microscopes

Students look at critters outside.


Animals are living organisms that grow, reproduce, respire, and give off wastes. Unlike plants, they cannot make their own food from simple molecules, they can move on their own from place to place, and they show quicker responses to environmental change. In this activity, kindergartners will learn about animal movement. Animals live everywhere.

  1. Take a critter walk. Give each child a small jar or baggy. Let them collect small animals (bugs, spiders, worms, snails) being careful to treat each organism gently. Warn them to stay away from stinging insects like bees.
  2. If possible, divide the class into small groups and let the children describe their organisms. How many legs do they have? How do they move? Do they have shells? What do their skins feel like? Discuss why animals move at different speeds. Do they normally wait for prey to come to them? Do they move fast to catch food or escape danger? Do they roll up or pull into a shell when danger is around? A good motor activity for the students can be conducted by having the children duplicate their organisms' movement.

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