The reason for grouping into Kingdoms is
not always obvious. The development of a classification scheme probably
started when humans began to think. Aristotle recorded his classification
scheme into vegetables and animals. There have been many classification
schemes developed through time, changing from 2 kingdoms to 3 to 4 and to the
present 6 kingdom system. Don't be surprised if this changes. There are many
organisms that we simply don't know enough about.
You may want students to bring in pictures
of different organisms as a homework assignment. Have them classify their
organisms within the 6 kingdom scheme. Have the class decide where the
organisms should go. Remember how the organisms eat and reproduce help to
group the organisms.
The simplest organisms are either bacteria
or a blue-green algae and classified in the large grouping of Monera. Monera
has been recently divided into 2 major groups of Eubacteria and Archeobacteria.
Both groups have a very simple nucleus that is not surrounded by a nuclear
envelope. The Archeobacteria are more ancient than the Eubacteria. The Kingdom
Protista or Protozoa is made up of one celled organisms that have a nuclear
membrane. Protozoa will eat their food and asexually reproduce more commonly
than they would sexually reproduce. The Fungi lack chlorophyll and absorb food
from the surrounding ground. Fungi possess organs and reproduce by sexual
means (spores). The Plant Kingdom is characterized by its member's ability to
reproduce by either sexual or asexual means. The animal kingdom is divided
into invertebrates and vertebrates. An animal eats its food and reproduces
mainly by sexual means. Organs are much more developed in the Animal Kingdom
than in the other kingdoms.
- Discuss with students that living
organisms are grouped into kingdoms so it is easy for people to discuss them.
Either make a transparency or use the enclosed master as a worksheet to
illustrate the common phyla within each kingdom.
- You may want to use the following