Life Cycle - Natural Environment (6B)
Post Lab 

Determine if the following examples are evolution, extinction, adaptation, natural selection, or religion.

  1. A scientist grew plants under the same conditions in a greenhouse. He then transplanted the plants to different locations in an east-west transect of California. He then observed the variation of his population of plants and was able to determine how the plants varied in different locations. The scientist used two species of plants, Achillea lanulosa and Achilles borealis.
  2. If water is added continually to desert land, the vegetation will change in into vegetation typical of a river valley.
  3. During the Industrial Revolution in England, dark moths began to increase in number in the urbanized area, while in non-polluted areas the white moth count was higher. The color keeps moths hidden on the bark of trees. In the urbanized areas the trees became dark because of the pollution.
  4. The dodo bird formerly lived in Mauritius but has been gone since 1681.
  5. The Christian Bible said that the Earth was created in 7 days.
  6. Scientists can trace a radiolarian species (one celled protozoa that makes a skeleton of glass) that changed its shape over the last 10 million years.
  7. The great auk was the first species on the coast of North America that man eliminated. This flightless bird was readily accessible to sailors and fishermen who took its eggs for food and slaughtered it for meat, feathers, oil, and cod fish bait. The last two specimens were killed June 8, 1884.
  8. Buddhism is an Asian religion based on the teachings of Buddha.

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