Water Birds include birds that can dive
with ease and can swim underwater but are nearly helpless on land.
These include loons, grebes, herons, egrets, cormorants, and pelicans.
Ducks, swans, and geese are also part of the
waterfowl, but are usually found in marshlands. They are usually
sociable and migrate in flocks.
Shorebirds include plovers, sandpipers,
gulls, and terns. Most of these birds are found feeding at
the water's edge or in fields.
Birds of prey are nature's hunters which include
the vultures, hawks falcons, owls and osprey.
Land birds refers to birds that live on the
ground with stout bills and strong legs. Their short, rounded wings
carry them on brief bursts of flight to escape danger. Included in
this groups are grouse, quails, pheasants and turkeys. Pigeons, doves,
cuckoos are also part of this group.
Songbirds are considered perching birds.
This is a large grouping of birds that includes ravens, mockingbirds, and
most of the common birds. You can almost call this group wire or fencepost
Birds of a forest spend much of their time
feeding in the forest, utilizing the trees for food, protection, and nesting.
Birds are important to humans for many reasons.
The common chicken is a bird which is used for eggs and meat. Other
birds are used for meat also. Many small birds help plants
to pollinate. Predators like the owl are great rodent control.
And birds are pleasing to the ear as well as sight. Imagine a world
without birds!
- By this time, your students should
have become quite interested in birds. Use the difference pictures
of birds to have the students guess what each of the birds have in common.
You can either make copies of the worksheets or project them for the entire
class to discuss.
- For each of the pictures you should
discuss the following:
Birds of the Seashore: All the birds have long bills
and wading feet to help them eat and walk along the shore. Most of
the birds have long legs that helps them keep stable in the muddy shores.
Fencepost, Birds of the Forest, and Group Wire: All
the birds have perching feet, but otherwise they can vary significantly.
Birds of the Marsh are similar to birds of a seashore
with respect to their feet. Some birds do have perching feet, that
would sit in the marsh plants. However, they have varied bills
because there are several food sources in a marsh that you cannot find
along the shore.
Birds of the Ocean: These birds have webbed swimming
feet. They usually have bills that help them filter feed the small
organisms that live in the water.