Each person has two sets of teeth during his lifetime.
The first set (baby teeth) is called the milk or deciduous teeth.
They begin to erupt at six months and one appears about each month thereafter
until all twenty have erupted. The deciduous teeth are lost between
the ages of 6-13.
The second set of teeth is called the permanent set. These
appear between the ages of 6 and 17 with the exception of the wisdom teeth.
There are 32 teeth in the permanent set. They are named according
to their shape and function. The incisors are shaped like chisels
and serve to cut food. The canines are pointed and used to tear and
shred food. The premolars crush and tear food. The molars crush
and grind food. The last molar tooth in each side of the jaw is called
a wisdom tooth, which erupts between the ages of 17 and 25 or in some cases
may never erupt.
The teeth are part of the digestive system. They begin
the breakdown of food. The teeth are considered an accessory organ,
because one can live without teeth.
- Read the recommended book or other appropriate
- Hand out the worksheet and see if students can find which
picture is reflected of their own teeth.
ANSWERS: A = 6 months; B = 3
years; C= 5 years; D = 7 years; E = 9 years; and F = 15 years