Life Cycle - Human Biology (1B)
Post Lab 

  • Comparing different types of food. 
  • Distinguishing between healthy and junk food.
  • bread
  • cereal
  • fruit
  • meat
  • milk
  • nutrition
  • vegetable 
  • pictures of food 
  • butcher paper

Students make a collage of different foods.



Proper nutrition and maintenance of the body should be emphasized every year.  The well being of an organism is important to his overall wellness. Nutrients are available from digested food and moves through an organism's body by via the circulatory system.

Nutritious foods can be divided into four groups, meat, milk, bread and cereal, and vegetable and fruit.  In addition, it is often useful to talk about an "extra" or "junk" food group, since so many foods we eat fit into that category.  Junk foods are those which “fill us up,” but do not provide very many nutrients for our bodies.  Some foods may start as worthwhile foods, but so much salt, fat, or sugar has been added that the nutritional value drops.  For example, popcorn is a good high fiber snack, until it is doused with butter and salt.  Yogurt and granola are fairly nutritious, until excess sugar is added.

Foods that provide the same kinds of nutrients are grouped together.  Nutrients are things that our bodies need to grow and be healthy, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.  Our bodies have no requirement for table sugar or honey in any amount, and it is not necessary for energy during, before, or after exercise.  Other nutrients can fill that need more effectively.  The traditional food groups can be divided in the following ways:

MEAT GROUP- meats, eggs, peanut butter, nuts, beans
MILK - milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, pudding (not butter, since it is mostly fat)
BREAD-CEREAL - bread, crackers, cereal, muffins, pasta, tortillas
FRUIT-VEGETABLE - fruits, vegetables (except dried peas, beans, and nuts) juices
"JUNK" - food with little value to the human body

  1. Discuss with students why we divide foods into different groups.  Go over all five of the groups, including "Junk" as another category.  
  2. Instruct  the children to bring 4-5 pictures of food from home.  They should be simple foods, not casseroles or whole dinners.  Some may be junk, but most hopefully will be nutritious.  You will have to use your judgement of what constitutes junk.  Be consistent in your grouping.  
  3. Go over the pictures with the rest of the class and have them identify the group for each food.  
  4. Let them paste their pictures onto the butcher paper to make a class collage of the different food groups. 

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