A machine can transform motion into
energy. Humans use machines to help transform this energy to help save
time and to accomplish tasks that humans cannot do on their own. For
example, using a wheel barrel will help a human carry heavier items then
without it. The wheel barrel uses the principle of a wheel and axle and
Modern machines are very complex, but
they still use a combination of the three basic elements which include
the wheel and axle, the lever, and the inclined plane. All simple
machines are combinations. For example a screw is a wedge and a modified
incline plane. A gear is a wheel and axle and lever.
lab is similar to Technology (1A) except the machines are more
complicated. The emphasis in this lab is for students to recognize that machines are
composed of many parts.
Students will have
fun just playing with the items, but they should also find one simple
machine in each of the items. If available, add additional items to the
lab, because the more examples students see, the more familiar they will
become with simple machines.
Before the lab,
review the vocabulary and when ready, have students rotate to each of
the items.
Students may be able to find more than one simple in some of the
items; especially students who understand how simple machines work.
The tools you should include are a
hammer (lever, wedge), screw (screw), nail (wedge), screw driver (wedge,
lever), bolts (screws), and washers (wheel).
Toy cars, planes, helicopters and
robot can be several simple machines. All can be a wheel and axle, or
gears. If you have questions about the student's answers, have them
justify why they decided on that particular machine.
The pulley is (as it's name
implies) a pulley. It is used to help lift heavy objects easily.
Students may also see a wheel and axle.