Applied Science - Science and Math (KC)
Post Lab 

  • Exploring tools of discovery.
  • Identifying tools that help us observe.
  • binoculars
  • camera
  • discovery
  • eyeglasses
  • hand lens
  • microscope
  • telescope
  •  worksheet

Students use a worksheet to explore tools of science.


Children "discover" by using all their senses.  Students have been introduced to the five senses of hearing, touching, smelling, seeing and tasting. Scientists and inventors have invented “tools” that help us to experience each of the senses in more detail.  

The sense of sight probably has the most tools to help us observe and discover new objects.  Telescopes help us see the rest of the Universe, that we cannot feel, smell or taste.  We have instruments that can detect sounds that might help us understand our Solar System or the inside of our Earth.  Microscopes help us look at little things that we cannot see with the naked eye.   

Sometimes people who have lost their sense of feeling have electrodes put into their head to feel again.  Tools help us observe and feel our world. 


  1. Ask students how they can see better.  As students respond, draw or write the "tool" they mention.  Display pictures of the items.
  2. The following is a guide to help direct students comments.  Make sure you draw a simple stick figure so students have a guide when they draw.  Reinforce the concept that tools of discovery help scientists to see the world better.  Have students draw a picture of each of the instruments on the worksheet.
eyeglasses          helps people see                            

hand lens enlarges things

microscope makes little things large 

telescope makes very far things seem near

binoculars makes far things seem near

cameras records what we see

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