Applied Science - Science and Math (5A)
Pre Lab

How tall are you?  (If you don't know, use a meter stick to determine your height in centimeters.)

How many females in the class are between 100-120 cm? 

How many males in the class are between 100-120 cm? 

How many females in the class are between 121-150 cm? 

How many males in the class are between 121-150 cm? 

How many females in the class are between 151-180 cm? 

How many males in the class are between 151-180 cm?

How many females in the class are over 180 cm?

How many males in the class are over 180 cm?

Using this data, make a bar graph below.



Make sure to label the horizontal (x) axis and the vertical (y) axis so the data chart makes sense.
Interpret the graph.


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