Applied Science - Science and Math (4A)
Pre Lab 

  • Exploring conceptual science.
  • Comparing how components of science are related
  • discover
  • experiment
  • observe
  • record
  •  worksheet 

Students use a worksheet to relate different sciences.


Students should be reminded that conceptual knowledge is more important than the details of a subject.  The overall picture of how science works allows students to increase their knowledge of subjects year after year.  

Students will be learning critical thinking and logic. Science is multifaceted and interwoven.  Applied Science can be explained by the 5 interlocking cycles of:  Universe, Plate Tectonic, Rock, Water, and Life.  

Applied Science refers to technology, physics, and how science impacts on our society.  Universe Cycle reveals possible ways that the Earth evolved through time.  Plate Tectonic Cycle  explains earthquakes and volcanoes.  Rock Cycle looks at how the 3 different types of rocks are created.  Water Cycle explains the atmospheres, oceans, and weather.  Life Cycle reveals how living organisms interact with one another on this Earth.

Science is important in our everyday lives from the house we live in to the cars we drive.  Medical advances have helped to keep our population from diseases and injuries.  Understanding the physics and chemistry of our world has allowed humans to create technology that permits us to explore space as well as the deep oceans.  


  1. Discuss how science is a way of thinking, observing, and experimenting.  Ask students to make a list of products with the related scientific field.  The following list is an example. 
lights  physics
clothes  (polyester) chemistry
food   biology
cement  geology
airplane  physics
  1. Use the enclosed worksheet to help discuss the overall philosophy science and how it is related to each other.  Inquire if students see the connections, especially between Applied Science and the other cycles.  For instance:  without the movement of the Earth, we would not have 3 different types of rocks; without soil made from rocks, we would not have plants; without volcanoes, we would not have water (outgassing of steam); without water, we would not have life; if we did not have science, we would not have inventions.  Have students make-up other examples.    

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