Applied Science - Science and Math (2B)
Pre Lab 

  • Comparing and contrasting two and three dimensional objects.
  • Exploring the difference between two and three dimensions.
  •  box
  •  circle
  •  cube
  •  pyramid
  •  rectangle
  •  sphere
  •  square
  •  triangle
  •  worksheet 

Students learn to draw 3 dimensional objects.


Children are born with the ability to see in three dimensions.  From the first building blocks to their first rattler, they touch 3 dimensional objects.  However, as children begin school, the world of pencil and paper in a  two dimensional world, tend to dominate their learning.  The impact is clear, students begin to lose that innate ability to visualize three dimensionally.  

Children must learn early, how to describe 3 dimensional objects. They must possess a vocabulary of geometric  terms and relationships to accomplish this task.  Geometry is a mathematical representation of the real world.  Although geometry is perfect, the nature it represents is not.  Sometimes it is difficult for children to see the relationship between geometry and nature.

A two-dimensional object is usually a representation of a three dimensional object.  Even a flat piece of paper has depth! Common representations include:

      A circle is a two-dimensional sphere.
      A square is a two-dimensional cube.   
      A triangle is a two-dimensional pyramid.


Scientists and mathematicians many time express their ideas on paper as sketches.  This activity helps students to draw three dimensional objects.

  1.  Show students a sphere, a cube, and a pyramid.  Discuss the differences and similarities between each.  For example a sphere has no sharp points or flat surfaces, both the cube and the pyramid do.  The cube has six sides; a pyramid can have four or five sides depending on what type of pyramid you have.
  2. Illustrate how a circle, square, and triangle can be made to  look “three dimensional” on paper. Showing the progressive steps in the  drawing process of each object, helps the students to follow along and understand.
  3. Allow the students to practice on scratch paper or on the board.  This may take a little time, but the students will be drawing these object for years to come.







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