Many scientists and all good learners
"discover" while they are observing. When scientists
describe a discovery, they must be able to record details of the
observation. Scientists will use words, pictures, photographs, sound,
and video to help capture that observation for others to experience.
Observation is very important in
science and other subjects. It can help students look more closely at
nature and learn to be more patient in everything they do. Some people
are "natural" observers, while others need some guidance to
appreciate their surroundings.
You can increase the observational
skills of your students by carefully bringing out details of the
object. For example, stating you see a fly is not good observation.
Stating you see a living organism as large as a pea with two front
wings, two back wings, and large eyes. This helps them to visualize
the object and develop observational skills.
- Hand out the worksheet to students.
The little boy/girl in the worksheet is looking at the grass and
discovering new things. You can customize the child on the worksheet to
reflect your student population. Have the student draw their own
features on the face and draw in hair similar to their own.
- Discuss what the child can see and
make a list of the items on the board. As the children are coloring, ask
them to draw in any items that they might have observed in their grass.
Give them clues such as worms, grasshoppers, ladybugs, and any other
organisms that might be in your area.
- To help your students
"observe" more closely, suggest they lay down on the grass at
home or at a park and carefully examine the grass. If your school has a
grassy area, have the students go outside and observe before they start
the exercise. The students should look at their surroundings very
carefully and report to the class what they see.