
Lesson 2 - Page 1


LESSON 2.  Equations with no End

When rules for math are created, you produce something amazing.  Numbers become a puzzle, that many people spend their careers unraveling the mystery.   Throughout mathematical history there have always been sequences or numbers that have intrigued people.  We will look at three famous equations that produce numbers with “no end” including   Pi (B),  Fibonacci  Numbers, and  Golden Ratio  or Phi(M). These numbers are irrational.

The Circle and the Pi (B)

The circle goes back before recorded history with the discovery of the wheel. Circles are closed curves that are equidistant from a fixed point called the center.  The circumference (c) is the outside perimeter of a circle.  If you draw a line through the center it is called the diameter (d).   The center to the edge it is called the radius (r) or half the diameter (1/2d).  A circle is a highly symmetrical shape.  


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