
Lesson 5 - Page 9


Flooding is also caused by the heavy rains that accompany hurricanes and monsoons as it reaches land. Flooding and storm surges combine to make drowning the leading cause of death. Winds are also dangerous in these storms. Flying debris often kills or injures people, or damages buildings.

Not all floods are associated with hurricanes. Just too much water in an area that drains slowly could cause this problem. Floods are a natural and inevitable part of life along the rivers of our country. Some floods occur seasonally. Winter or spring rains, coupled with melting snows or torrential rains associated with tropical storms, can fill river basins with too much water quickly and cause flooding. Other floods are sudden, resulting from heavy localized rainfall. These flash floods are raging torrents which rip through river beds, urban streets, coastal sections and mountain canyons after heavy rains, and sweep everything before them.

Flooding causes damages in urban areas. 


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