
Lesson 1 - Page 6


Sedimentary rocks have also been used by ancient people to create statues, tombs, and homes. The Great Pyramids of Egypt are composed of limestones with many fossils in them. The fossils are a large, one celled protozoa called foraminifera. Legend has it that the Egyptian workers would find some of these 1-2 cm "grains" and thought they were the remains of a snack that their gods had eaten overnight. 

When building material was scare, early people used sandstone to carve their home into the sides of mountains. Artists also used the easily eroded sandstones to create statues for all to marvel at their civilization.

Statutes of King Ramses II tomb
in Egypt, carved in sandstone. 

Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Jordan Capitol of Nabataian Kingdom


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