
Lesson 1 - Page 2


There are many conditions that create sediments or particles. Physical breaking of rocks can occur in several ways. The rushing power of a river or waterfall causes small pieces of the rock to break and travel within the stream. When the water slows down it will deposit its load. Wind can be strong enough to act as a natural "sand blast" to slowly chip away at soft rocks. Glaciers, are so powerful that they can grind the rocks into very small particles. Cold and warm weather cycles also help to break rock. If water gets into a crack and then freezes, it expands. This weakens the rock and will cause it to break with time.

Chemical break up of the rocks also occurs. As water travels upon rocks or other substances, it can cause the elements within the substance to break down and dissolve in the water. It will later precipitate out and help cement particles together. 

Jim Jim Falls in Australia


Hollows Capitol Reef National
 Park in Utah eroded by wind


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